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Tips to grow your business

Cut through the advertising clutter and engage your audience with these marketing tips.


Use family and friends as a key referral source

One way to do this is holding a catered ‘friends and family’ information session. Make a short presentation that includes the following:

  • Clear up any misconceptions and provide clear examples of what you have done for other clients.
  • Sell the benefits instead of the features. (How can they save money and build their assets for the long-term?)
  • Ask for referrals and provide testimonials.


Showcase your brand

When meeting with potential clients, ensure you are fully prepared with any collateral or mortgage documents. Bring the following:

  •  A high quality brochure that includes your bio, picture, value proposition, and testimonials.
  • Business cards that match or exceed the quality of your top competitors.
  • A professional folder. Folders should also be given out with every application — with the commitment and pre-approvals inside.
  • Pitch an editorial or news article to a popular mortgage industry magazine. This will improve your credibility and strengthen your reputation.


Optimize your site for search engines

Your site is an important resource for your clients, so make it easy for them to find.

  • Regularly update your website. Websites that are frequently updated, such as blogs, rank higher on search engines.
  • Use metadata to add key words and descriptions ‘behind the scenes’ of your website. Search engines use metadata to locate important content on web pages.


Contact your BDM for more valuable tips on building your brand and growing your business.